Download your own sorted safe list and add your own addresses

FEATURES NEW latest Version 4 now available with automatic configuring and dynamic display - prices stable


Welcome to this Deliverer Safe List Network Page...
the safe list with the two, yes two, BIG differences.
You get to SORT YOUR MAIL into categories.
Receive only mail you're interested in!
No more deleting off-topic emails in busy mailboxes.
No more autocleaning those million dollar business deals
and, what's more, no worries about spam!
Not only that, you can also select an adjustable
to always keep you permanently in touch with your customers.
And you can also SEND WHENEVER you like,
EVEN ON VACATION - just log in and mail!
3 memberships; Free, Silver (send 1 email per month) and Gold (send 5 emails per month).
Silver and Gold level members get
free software and ebook downloads, too.
Gold level members also get selected sign ups.

The DSNetwork Concept

AND NOW; you can download your OWN copy of
'Deliverer Safe List' and add your OWN addresses
to build YOUR VERY OWN list!
What's more, you get a HUGE reduction in the price for
agreeing to receive mail from '' AND
sending 5% of that mail to your own list.
This innovative concept will help build a powerful DSNetwork
to which you could belong and gain benefit from
and all using sorted mail. AMAZING! It's that simple!
So don't delay, download today and make more of
your business with YOUR 'Deliverer Safe List'!

Confused? Don't hesitate to email the webmaster your questions


    DSNetwork members must agree to:-

  1. NOT alter the 'Deliverer Safe List' logo, banner(s) or
    favicon in any way.
  2. NOT download any of the Deliverer Safe List
    .html, .cgi, .gif or .txt files from their web sites.
    Only the free ebooks and software programs offered to
    Silver and Gold membership levels should be downloaded.
  3. Use the name 'Deliverer Safe List' on their web page(s),
    keywords and in their marketing efforts
  4. Names like 'Speedy's Deliverer Safe List' and
    'My Deliverer Safe List' are recommended/acceptable
  5. Provide a bounce-free email address to receive mail from
    other DSNetwork members
  6. To receive at least 5% of
    headquarter's emails at that bounce-free email address
  7. To send at least 5% of the mail they receive at that
    bounce-free email address to their own 'Deliverer Safe List'
  8. Provide information to headquarters
    concerning the URL of your 'Deliverer Safe List' web page(s)
    or web site
  9. Allow the webmaster at's headquarters
    to monitor and check (using reasonable methods) the flow
    of emails to and from their bounce-free email address
  10. Submit their Deliverer Safe List's send mail page(s) to the
    search engines at least once a year
  11. Link back from their web page(s) to with at
    least one working hypertext link and one clickable
    468X60 banner link at all times CLEARLY STATING
    'Deliverer Safe List sorted and safe'

(full 16 day money back guarantee*)

DSNetwork Version 4(Socket) US$23.27
DSNetwork Version 4(Sendmail) US$13.68

DSIndependent members must agree to:-

  1. NOT alter the 'Deliverer Safe List' logo, banner(s) or
    favicon in any way.
  2. NOT download any of the Deliverer Safe List
    .html, .cgi, .gif or .txt files from their web sites.
    Only the free ebooks and software programs offered to
    Silver and Gold membership levels should be downloaded.
  3. Link back from their web page(s) to with at
    least one working hypertext link and one clickable
    468X60 banner link at all times CLEARLY STATING
    'Deliverer Safe List sorted and safe'.

DSIndependent Version 4 (Socket) US$50.67
DSIndependent Version 4 (Sendmail) US$41.08
Proceed to pay for download

*If the product fails to satisfy, you have 16 days from download to contact me at this address to claim a full refund.

List of Version 4 Features

  1. Sorted mail decreases customer workload.
  2. Optional reduced send switching (95%) decreases mailbox load.
  3. RFS (Reciprocal Five System) ensures network strength and good reach. DSNetworkers supply 5% mail input to, supplies 5% mail output to DSNetworkers.
  4. Cron sending means less load on mail servers.
  5. Affiliate program with two plans AND a Click2Sell pay affiliate deal.
  6. CGI written in universal, easy-to-use PERL and PHP.
  7. Full after sales' and set up service.
  8. Dynamic display of recently sent emails on site.
  9. UL (Update Logging) records all customers updating.
  10. SDL (Selected Download Logging) records customers' download choices.
  11. RMPS (Repeat Message Protection Service) prevents newbies sending identical mails.
  12. FML (Full Message Logging) in compressed format; what has been sent.
  13. FRL (Full Recipient Logging) for every mail channel; who received what.
  14. Utility program to auto reset vacation switches and send times.
  15. Update program keeps user names unchangeable so avoiding confusion.
  16. Status email report sent hourly to you mailbox.
  17. Automatic configuring of files at upload.
  18. Advertising space built-in to many pages.
  19. Sendmail or socket support.
  20. Features a blog, support system, FAQ page, and site map.

Please feel free to contact the proprietor:

Deliverer Safe List Network Page

created 12th September, 2006. [5k G LOGO]..protected. Copyright Deliverer Safe List ©2024.